Real Time Monitoring
Real time Legionella water temperature monitoring with Hydro-i
What is Hydro-i?
It is an electronic system for 24/7 monitoring of water temperatures in industrial and commercial properties and is used in place of manual checks for the control of Legionella bacteria in hot and cold water systems. It can also be used to monitor water meters and outlet usage.
Why have we developed Hydro-i?
Simply put - to record more data.
The standard “old fashioned” procedure of once a month temperature checks at key system locations, and annually at the remaining outlets, only gave data from 12 points in the year (literally a few minutes of temperature checks) but a lot can happen in between those checks. Hydro-i is monitoring all the time, all year long.
So knowing that the systems in YOUR building are being monitored 24/7 means you can react sooner to loss of control and therefore maintain a higher degree of compliance with HSE led guidance for Legionella control in water systems.
Legionella control related tasks for buildings includes temperature monitoring of certain systems as often as monthly. Although these monthly tasks are as specified by the HSE, it is clear that in some buildings, the water was only used when the monthly temperature checks were carried out.
In addition, low use outlets are supposed to be flushed at least weekly to prevent stagnation of water and increased risk of legionella growth.
Hydro-i can support YOU in understanding which areas in a building are not used as much they should allowing little used outlet flushing plans to be modified regularly.
All of this data is presented in both numerical and graphical formats for all monitored systems and is available to you via our web portal from anywhere on the world. This provides managers with multi-site responsibilities with access to their legionella records for all sites.
We still provide the monthly data review, highlighting any concerns, and we still visit to undertake maintenance of the system and site wide temperature checks as a validation of the remote data.
This system, coupled with our Hydrology eSR electronic log book system for all Legionella related management records. All of your auditable records are accessible wherever you are and without the need for paper log books.
The Hydro-i system is a contract service where you do not purchase the equipment, but effectively rent it annually and Hydrology provides complete support for the system on site included in the contract terms.
It is also a greener alternative as there are fewer miles driven to collect the data.